Sunday, 17 July 2011

7 Weeks To Go! - 16 mile Longest Run

After a reassuring trip to the physio on Friday I started this 16 miler (my longest yet) knowing that there is no major problem with my knee, just a little more strength work needed to keep the twinges at bay.

I ran 4 miles at a comfortable 9min/mile pace and then 8 miles at 8min/mile marathon pace, followed by a final 4 miles at 9min/mile.

Cardio and heart rate wise the run felt great by the knee was hurting from about mile 4, a pain which came and went throughout the rest of the run. By the end of mile 16 I was very achy and really felt the difference from the 10-14 mile long runs I've been doing over the last couple of months.

This run has really reiterated the advice from my physio that strength and core work will really come into play as I step up my long runs ready for the Robin Hood Marathon on September 11th.

Another enjoyable early morning long run but one that's certainly got me thinking.

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