I've taken things pretty easy this week as part of my planned tapering, allowing muscles to heal and my body to recover. The worrying twinge in my left hip after Mondays 10 miler has now become just a slight niggle and I'm hopeful it will have healed completely come Sunday. Apart from that I feel great and can't wait for race day to arrive.
I've calculated my pacing throughout the race and will be aiming to run a negative split using the following times.
Miles 1-2 8:13/mile
3-9 8:05/mile
10-17 7:59/mile
18-26.2 7:51/mile
My trusty Garmin 305 watch should hopefully help me monitor me times and, if all goes to plan, I should finish the race in just under 3hrs 30mins - although I will be more than happy to just finish.
Sponsorship has really taken off this week, a big thank you to all those who have have given so generously. I am currently just £169 away from my £1000 target and am hoping, with the last few sponsors still donating, that I will reach this target by Sunday. If you would like to give please let me know and I'll pop it on my sponsorship form. Alternatively you can use my fundraising page at www.justgiving.com/stevetrotter.
The week ahead is all about making sure I'm relaxed and well rested and that I feel good, both mentally and physically. I plan to get a few short runs in but fitness and training wise the work is all done. Sleep is the doctors order for the week, so am planning plenty of early nights, as there is little chance of a lie-in during my first week back at school.
I will be posting how I got on and, eventually, a full race report (including my final fundraising total) so please keep checking back for my latest news.
See you on the start line!